The needs of pets

Owning a pet is a huge responsibility. All animals and all pets have basic needs. As a responsible pet owner, you need to be aware of these needs.


Your pet needs food for energy. It is very important that your pet eats the right food and the right amounts of food. Too little or too much food or the wrong type of food can cause health problems for your pet.

It is also important to give them fresh food every day and to keep their food bowl clean.

If you are unsure about what to feed your pet, it’s a good idea to ask your vet.

Never feed your pet chocolate as this can make them very ill. If they accidentally eat a large amount of chocolate you should take them to your vet immediately.


Just like humans, all animals need water to survive. It is very important that your pet has fresh clean water at all times. Your pet relies on you to provide clean drinking water each day.

Always check to their bowl and never let it get empty.


Pets need protection from the weather. If it is too hot or too cold, they need a safe, comfortable place to feel protected and secure.

Some pets live outdoors and others live indoors. Some pets need protection from other larger animals, so make sure your pet’s shelter offers safety and protection.

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Exercise helps to keep your pet healthy and alert.

Make sure you set aside some time each day to exercise your pet.

Exercise can be a walk, a game, a run on the beach or a discovery trek in your local area.

The need to socialise

Most pets need the company of others to feel safe and secure. They enjoy the animal company and human company.

If your pet doesn’t have any company they will soon get bored and anxious. This can lead to destructive behaviour such as chewing shoes, tearing up gardens or annoying the neighbours.

The need to be happy

Just like us, pets love to be safe, happy and healthy. A healthy pet is usually a happy one.

If your pet is looking unwell or behaving differently it is a good idea to take them to a vet.

By making sure your pet has plenty of space, clean conditions, a safe comfortable shelter, food, water, and companionship, you are helping them to remain happy.