Choosing the right pet

petpep - small animal pets

Choosing a pet is a very big decision. There are many things you need to consider before making your final choice. Pets need lots of care and attention, and not all animals make suitable pets.

Not all animals make the best pets

What is your favourite animal? Is it a whale, a tiger, a dog, an elephant, a cat, a kookaburra? As you can see, some of these animals cannot be kept as pets. So, just because we might have a favourite animal, it doesn’t mean it will make a suitable pet.

When choosing a pet, we need to consider safety, animal freedom, space, native animals and the suitability of our home. We also need to consider the needs of different pets so that we can choose a pet to suit our homes and our lifestyles.

Animals have certain needs

Just like humans, animals have certain requirements to keep them happy and healthy. Animals need food, water, shelter, space, exercise, love, grooming, toys, and veterinary care.

If you live in an apartment block, you would obviously not choose a horse for a pet. If you live on a large property, then a horse may be a suitable pet for you.

A cat, a small dog, a mouse, a bird or a fish would make a more suitable pet if you live in a smaller home and have less space for your pet to roam.

Some animals are happy to live indoors or in smaller spaces, but others need to be able to run and explore their outdoor environment.

Matching a pet to an owner

It is also very important to match a pet with the right owner. Your grandma might find it difficult to look after a large pet that needs a lot of exercise. A young person would find it easier to look after a pet that needs lots of exercise and outdoor attention. These are all things you need to consider before choosing your perfect pet.

If you are very young, then your parents will need to spend a lot of time looking after your pet, so it is important that they agree on the pet you choose.

The advantages of dogs as pets

  • Most dogs are loving pets
  • Short haired dogs are easier to groom
  • Dogs like to be part of your family
  • They are used to obeying a leader and can follow family rules
  • All dogs can be trained
  • They can easily learn tricks
  • Most dogs enjoy having company
  • They like to play with people and other dogs
  • Dogs quickly settle into a new place
  • A dog can provide protection by barking when strangers are around
  • Some dogs can be trained to work (herding animals)
  • Dogs are very loyal pets

The advantages of cats as pets

  • Most cats are easy pets to own
  • They do not need to be taken for walks as they exercise themselves with play
  • Short haired cats don’t need much grooming
  • All cats keep themselves clean and tidy
  • Cats do not need a lot of space
  • They are happy to live in small homes
  • Cats love to sleep during the day
  • Cats are not very big
  • Most cats enjoy being patted or stroked
  • Many cats enjoy playing
  • Cats are friendly and enjoy being around humans

The advantages of fish as pets

  • Fish can be relatively little trouble
  • They are great when you only have a small space
  • They are relatively cheap to own
  • Fish tend to exercise themselves
  • They are easier to look after when you go on holidays
  • There is no need to train fish
  • Fish don’t make any mess outside of their tank

The advantages of birds as pets

  • Birds love to interact with humans
  • They can be trained and taught tricks
  • Some birds can learn to sing and talk
  • Birds can be great companions