Agriculture Victoria Rain/Flood event messages

01 Dec 2017
vet voice - floods - queensland
Audience Messaging

Information about how to prepare your property for a flood, and what to do in the event of a flood, can be found on the VICSES website

Where possible before emergency events, decide which animals you will evacuate and which you will leave behind, identify evacuation routes. Also research emergency accommodation with facilities for animals.

If there is flooding in your area, move your animals, fodder and machinery to higher ground if is safe to do so.

Relocate your bulls and stallions from flood prone areas when a flood alert is issued. They are not suitable for holding in confined spaces on flood mound with other animals.

Maintain feed reserves above the flood level as wet conditions may make farm roads impassable.

If safe to do so, check the health of animals that have been standing in mud or water for extended periods.

Never enter floodwater. This is the main cause of death during floods. For flood and storm emergency assistance call 132 500 from anywhere in Victoria. For life-threatening emergencies call Triple Zero (000).

Pet owners

Make sure that you consider your pets when developing your emergency plan.

Your emergency plan should include:

  • which animals you will evacuate and which you'll leave behind,
  • what you may need to take for your pet's evacuation - evacuation kits - leads, medication, food, water, vaccination certificates,
  • identified evacuation routes from your property,
  • emergency accommodation with facilities for animals.

Note: emergency accommodation during emergency events may not be available, or be very limited.

Keep pets away from flood waters.

Never enter floodwater. This is the main cause of death during floods.

For flood and storm emergency assistance call 132 500 from anywhere in Victoria.